Jon Fee - 1958-2014

A HappyCrap founding member.


HappyCrap was originally formed as an excuse for Jon and I to get together and play guitar while Karen and Christine drank wine and the kids played games and watched movies.

Jon preferred it when there were just two or three of us playing and we worked our way through the original binder which included Margaritaville, Father and Son, Up on Cripple Creek and King of the Road.

Below is a picture of our last jam just a couple of weeks before we lost Jon. He is playing his Epiphone Hummingbird which, in true HappyCrapper form, he bought just a week earlier after he had "a bit of a rough day".

That evening he let us know that all he wanted when he passed was for HappyCrap to play at an Irish wake. We did.

I miss you Jon.




